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Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

This is where you make a difference and let your voice be heard!

Homework call and email campaigns will now be here!


Because the ActionNetwork limits how many people we can email at once, we created multiple campaigns!  Click away!   This will reach over 200 people in the DC37 Campaign alone!

City Council Call/Email Campaign

This is the script for the Council Members NOT on 1096 - use the script below.  The Email campaign is at the end. 
Script for Non-sponsoring Council Members


Hi my name is ______ and I am the _________(if you were a former union officers/board member say that – and if from a union say which one)  (if DC 37 Local say it!)  _____. I am calling about Intro bill 1096, the retiree healthcare bill.


I urge you to sponsor the bill and I hope you continue to stand with Retirees and our families. The City Council legislated our benefits since 1967 because unions cannot!  That is why Mayor Lindsay had the City Council pass Admin Code 12-126 because unions do not represent retirees.   Unions can negotiate and collectively bargain, retirees can’t anymore.   We earned our benefits and the Federal Public Health benefit of Medicare.  Even the court found Henry’s scheme violates the promises made to us and the benefits we earned and paid for.   To allow union leaders to liquidate our healthcare to finance young active workers simply because we are no longer in a union is not only egregious but anti-union.  Not protecting us jeopardizes the lives of the elderly and disabled, 9/11 responders and survivors, line of duty widows and widowers and our disabled adult children. 

  • 1096 is funded by Administrative Code 12-126 as it preserves what you legislated in 1967 and updated through 2001. It literally states, “The City WILL PAY the FULL COST of HEALTH COVERAGE” and this is another reason Henry Garrido/DC37 is not to be trusted.


  • It DOES NOT violate the Taylor Law or NYC Collective Bargaining Law and DOES NOT violate the union's right to collectively bargaining because retirees are not in unions once they retire. Our bill doesn’t affect unions only protects current retirees.


  • Henry Garrido doesn’t want you to know his own lawyer, Alan Klinger said on a recording the NYC Retirees YouTube, that the bill isn’t illegal.

  • Henry Garrido isn’t telling you if you pass this bill, it will interfere in his ability to liquidate retiree benefits for his union’s financial gain at the expense of retirees. He doesn't want you to interfere with his stealing from us and calling that "collective bargaining."


  • Henry Garrido also doesn’t want you to know that his forcing retirees into Medicare Advantage is the default plan in Project 2025!


  • Henry is pitting active workers against retirees, allowing them to think they risk increased healthcare costs because of us, and not the deal HE MADE.

Please pass this bill to preserve what we earned and the City Council legislated 60 years ago and allows the unions to build upon going forward!



Be kind. Be Polite, but do this daily. We will ask you at the end of the week what kind of feedback you got on the calls.

If your last name begins with A-K, start at the top. L-M start calling from the bottom of this list. CALL BOTH NUMBERS.


These Council members are NOT on the bill.



Hon. Adrienne E. Adams Legislative Office: 212-788-6850 District Office: 718-206-2068

Hon. Eric Dinowitz Legislative Office: (212) 788-7080 District Office: (718) 549-7300

Hon. Lynn Schulman District Office 718-544-8800 Legislative Office 212-788-6981

Hon. Sandra Ung District Office: 718-888-8747

Hon. Gale Brewer District Office: 212-873-0282 Legislative office 212-788-6975

Hon. Justin Brannan Legislative Office: 212-788-7363 District Office: 718-748-5200

Hon. Carmen De La Rosa Legislative Office: 212-788-7053 District Office: 917-521-2616

Hon. Julie Menin Legislative Office: 212-788-6865

Hon. Diana Ayala Legislative Office: 212-788-6960 District Office: 212-828-9800/ 347-297-4922

Hon. Amanda Farias Legislative Office: 212-788-6853 District Office: 718 792-1140

Hon. Carlina Rivera Legislative Office: 212-788-7366 District Office: 212-677-1077

Hon. Pierina Sanchez Legislative Office: 212-788-7074 District Office: 917-409-6376

Hon. Keith Powers Legislative Office: 212-788-7393 District Office: 212-818-0580

Hon. Shaun Abreu Legislative Office: 212-788-7007 District Office: 212-928-6814

Hon. Yusef Salaam: District Office 212-678-4505 Legislative Office 212-788-7397

Hon. Kevin Riley Legislative Office: (212)-788-6873 District Office: (718) 684-5509 or 347-326-8652

Hon. Oswald Feliz Legislative Office:212-788-6966 District Office: 718-842-8100

Hon. Althea Stevens Legislative Office: 212-788-6856 District Office: 718-588-7500

Hon. Rafael Salamanca, Jr. Legislative Office: 212-788-7384 District Office: 718-402-6130

Hon. Francisco P. Moya Legislative Office: 212-788-6862 District Office: 718-651-1917

Hon. Tiffany Cabán Legislative Office: 212-788-6963 District Office: 718-274-4500

Hon. James Gennaro Legislative Office: 212-788-6956 District Office: 718-217-4969

Hon. Julie Won Legislative Office: 212-788-7370 District Office: 718-383-9566

Hon. Nantasha Williams Legislative Office: 212-788-7084 District Office: 718-776-3700

Hon. Selvena N. Brooks-Powers Legislative Office: 212-788-7216 District Office: 718-471-7014 or 718-527-4356

Hon. Lincoln Restler Legislative Office: 212-788-7348 District Office: 718-875-5200

Hon. Jennifer Gutierrez Legislative Office: 212-788-7095 District Office: 718-963-3141

Hon. Crystal Hudson Legislative Office: 212-788-7081 District Office: 718-260-9191

Hon. Chi Osse Legislative Office: 212-788-7354 District Office: 718-919-0740

Hon. Sandy Nurse Legislative Office: 212-788-7284 District Office: 718-642-8664

Hon. Alexa Aviles Legislative Office: 212-788-7372 District Office: 718-439-9012

Hon. Rita Joseph Legislative Office: 212-788-7352 District Office:718-287-8762

Hon. Darlene Mealy Legislative Office: 212-788-7387 District Office: 718-953-3097

Hon. Farah N. Louis Legislative Office: 212-788-6859 District Office: 718-629-2900

Hon. Susan Zhuang Legislative Office: 212-788-7045 District Office: 718-373-9673 or 718-307-7151

Hon. Kamillah Hanks Legislative Office: 212-788-6972 District Office: 718-556-7370

Hon. David Carr Legislative Office: 212-788-7390 District Office: 718-980-1017

Hon. Chris Banks District Office 718-649-9495 Legislative Office 212-788-6957






Script for Sponsoring Council Members on the bill TO SAY THANKS!  
This goes to the ones in Green.


Marte, Holden, Marmorato, Vernikov, Ariola, Paladino, Lee, Krishnan, Bottcher, Hanif, Narcisse, Brewer


Hi my name is ______ and I am the _________(if you were a former union officers/board member say that – and if from a union say which one)  (if DC 37 Local say it!)  _____.


I am calling about Intro bill 1096, the retiree healthcare bill. I want to say THANK YOU sponsoring the bill and standing with retirees, our families, the disabled, 9/11 responders and survivors, line of duty widows and widowers and our disabled adult children.  The City Council legislated our retiree’s Medicare benefits in 1967 and protected us for decades from greedy mayors!  This bill 

  • protects retirees' Federal Public Health benefit of Medicare

  • Is funded by Administrative Code 12-126 as it preserves what you legislated in 1967 and updated in 2001. It literally states, “The City WILL PAY the FULL COST of HEALTH COVERAGE” and this is another reason Henry Garrido/DC37 is not to be trusted. 

  • is cannot possibly violate the Taylor Law or NYC Collective Bargaining Law or a union’s right to collectively bargaining because retirees are not in a union!

Please ask your colleagues to sign on and protect THEIR Medicare rights too!


Thank you!





Those in GREEN BOLD are ON the Bill   THANK THEM.


Honorable (Hon) Chris Marte 212-587-3159, 212-587-3159

Hon. Erik Bottcher 212-564-7757, 212-788-6979

Hon. Kristy Marmorato 718-931-1721, 212-788-7375

Hon. Vickie Paladino  718-619-8611, 212-788-7250

Hon Linda Lee 718-468-0137, 212-788-7075

Hon. Shekar Krishnan 718-803-6373, 212-788-7066

Hon. Bob Holden 718-366-3900, 212-788-7381

Hon. Joann Ariola 718-318-6411, 212-788-7069

Hon. Inna Vernikov 718-368-9176, 212-788-7360

Hon. Shahana Hanif Legislative Office: 212-788-6969 District Office: 718-499-1090

Hon. Mercedes Narcisse Legislative Office: 212-788-7286 District Office: 718-241-9330

Hon. Gale Brewer District Office: 212-873-0282 Legislative office 212-788-6975








There are 3 Council Email links; 2 to send to get them to sign on, and 1 Thank You

There are 3 links below.  The first two go to the City Council Members NOT on the bill and the Third is a Thank you to those on it.   


The first two, do daily.   The last one, only do when someone signs on...   We will announce that so don't worry!  

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