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The Latest Developments



We are currently in court with 3 cases against the City.    We have not lost one battle yet.  While we pray we can continue this there are no guarantees.   We need to continuously fundraise and hope for the best!


Case 1 is known as the 12-126 Case.  The argument is over what it means.  Click the court docket link and enter the name of our organization NYC Organization of Public Service Retirees here  THIS IS THE HIGHEST COURT IN THE STATE.


Case 2 is known as the CoPay Case.   The Case is here, and in the first Department Court of Appeals. 


Case 3 is the Bentkowski case, AKA The Nuclear Option case.   The eliminated ALL our plans to force us into Medicare Dis-Advantage, a privatized managed care plan inferior to Medicare.  The link is here and is in the First Department Court of Appeals.





Our bill is known as A7866/S8388 in the NYC Legislature.   It allows for the protection of our retiree health benefits in the likeness of the protections our pension has under the NYS Constitution. 



We also invite you to see our new series Faces of Retirees, we want you to meet a few retirees that this plan is going to impact financially. We want you to hear their voices and see their faces.

...Because One Day This Will Be You!

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